The museum of Edith Piaf is very reserved, intimate.
This is a small apartment in the 11th arrondissement of Paris (5 Rue Crespin du Gast 75011), in which Edith Piaf lived only two years in 1933-1934.
Tucked away in the northeastern Ménilmontant area on the right bank of the River Seine, Musée d'Edith Piaf is a small, modest collection of souvenirs from the life of the singer. Here you can touch the life of a famous singer and see the relics associated with her life.
This is, indeed, one of the most unusual museums in Paris. The only thing that hints at its existence from the outside, is a plate on which it is written
"Les Amis de Piaf" is an association that supports this museum, as well as the grave of the singer at the Pere Lachaise cemetery.
Vladimir Kush Nero
Bernard Marchois (Bernard Marshua), who met the singer in 1958, when he was a 16-year-old teenager, became a lifelong admirer of his, dedicated two rooms of the fourth floor of the apartment in which he lives, her memory.
It accepts visitors for free (although donations are accepted), and if you ask it, then it has an impressive amount of knowledge to tell about Edith Piaf.
After the death of the singer Marshua wrote two biographies of Edith, and also headed the memory fund of the famous singer.
For a number of years, he collected personal belongings of Edith Piaf, and then bought out an apartment in Bellevue to place his collections there and open a private museum.

The exposition of the house museum Edith Piaf is located in two rooms, to the limit filled with exhibits related to different stages of the life of the famous singer.

There are many posters, photographs and portraits, as well as personal items - handbags, cosmetics, a famous black dress, and a red summer outfit. Presented here are the tiny (33 sizes) concert sneakers of the singer.
In the museum there are also things of beloved men Piaf - boxing gloves of Marcel Sedan and robe of Joseph Mustaki.

In the armchair, next to the cut out of the cardboard image of Piaf in full growth, sits a huge teddy bear, a gift from her beloved husband Theo Sarapo.
He brought this plush toy to the hospital, causing Edith a storm of ecstasy.
Immediately, the small pupa, with whom the acquaintance of Theo and Edith began, settled down.
The black-eyed Greek met the great singer after the concert and handed her this souvenir "for luck".
In the museum of Edith Piaf there is nothing pathetic or official, it seems that the singer most recently sat in this chair, drank tea from this cup and went to another concert, leaving her soul here.
And, of course, music, because in this apartment songs Piaf constantly sound.

Since the museum is private and is located in a residential building, you can get here only by appointment.
You should call the phone, after which you will be told the time of your visit and the access code from the front door.
The museum is free, although, of course, all kinds of donations are welcome.
Here you can also buy CDs with Edith Piaf's records, her portraits and photos, as well as books about the great singer.

The museum is intimate, because a small space creates a sense of intimacy that can rarely be felt in large museums.
And still possible because the collection itself, with all its memories, is in a private house.
Or maybe because among personal belongings Edith Piaf can be found and read her correspondence with family and friends, feels at the same time as a part of her life and a little peeping.
In this museum you can take a peek into the life of Edith Piaf, see her as she was seen and remembered by people who loved this little woman who in the whole world personifies the image of a big country.
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