The benefit of life wisdom in parables blooms
Sings melodiously, like a mother, a child swinging,
Not for fun, and to be happy to learn,
She was beautiful, was not deceived, carries ...
At the unsolved realm of beauty .......

One day, Man-child of earth and sky, he told himself as follows:
"I know that somewhere there is wisdom. I'll go and find her."

And he went to the highest mountain, where the Sun maketh its rays.
Kneeling in front of the mighty star, he said:
- Sun, you above us all, help me find the wisdom !.

- Well, - replied the Sun. Listen to the man!
I stretch its rays everywhere and warms just and the unjust people.
Do as I do and you will attain wisdom.

But the man did not believe it and went to the forest to a large tree.
On bended knees before him, he said:
- Wood, your roots are so deep, help me find the wisdom !.

- Well, - replied Wood. Listen to the man!
My sweet fruit full of bliss, and I let them rip off both good and evil people.
Do as I do and you will attain wisdom.

But the man did not believe it and went to the valley of the stream.
On bended knees before him, he said:
- Brook, have you ever been anywhere, help me find wisdom.

- Well, - said Brook. Listen to the man!
My keys hit everywhere, and I let them fall to the any one of mortal men.
Do as I do and you will attain wisdom !.

But the man did not believe it and went looking for more.
In his wanderings, he turned to the wind, rain and the river,
but I've heard the same answer.
Running time.
All as the sun shines, fruiting tree and flowing creek.
But the man still looking for wisdom.
All is vanity of vanities, all is vanity of the century ...
What is the use of the laborers of his works,
Over which he labored under the sun for ages ...
A kind of comes and goes like a light.
And only the Earth remains steadfastly ...
The sun rises and sets, hurrying,
To ascend there again, illuminating the whole earth,
And again according to his circuits evening return ...
Here and wind - all circling, circling circling,
And ran his wings all the plays.
And the rivers flow to the sea ... and know:
It overflows, it boils!
All - Mayat, and do not dare to tell the mouth:
Aimlessly, but not fed up they
And the ears listen movement fuss.
What was - is again that sowed, then sow ...
There is nothing new under the sun forever.
Used to say as a new - Here, look! -
And so it had happened before on the way!
But forgotten for centuries about this person ...
(Excerpt from the book "Solomon Sea")
Artist Frank Howell
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