Jolie Blonde
Ekaterina M. Romanov was born (16) August 28, 1827 in St. Petersburg. Daughter of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich and Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna
1829. Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich. Portrait by George Dawe.

Portrait of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna
Zh.Kur. 1842

Portrait of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna and Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich horseback.
Schmidt second quarter of the XIX century

granddaughter of Paul I, she was the third child of five in the grand family. Her mother, a daughter in a strict spirit itself led her education, personally selected the teachers who are to teach the great princess of foreign languages, singing and drawing. Lost four of five daughters (Elizabeth died in 1845, Mary - in 1846, Anna and Alexander died in childhood), Elena Pavlovna has concentrated its attention on Catherine.
In 1849, her father died unexpectedly, Mikhail Pavlovich, and a year later became the bride Catherine Duke George Augustus of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Ernest (1823-1876) - a cousin of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.
George Augustus of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Portrait of the Archaeology

The wedding took place on February 4 (1851), in St. Petersburg. As the Duchess of Mecklenburg Ekaterina Mikhailovna was liberated from Russian citizenship. Young settled in the Mikhailovsky Palace, along with the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna.
Mikhailovsky Castle (view from the embankment)

Much to the chagrin of the Duchess, the relationship between the mother and her husband did not work out, but that did not stop her happiness. Her husband she loved deeply and wholeheartedly.
Ekaterina M. gave birth to five children, two of whom died in infancy.
Nicholas-Georg (1854)
Maria Elena (Elena G.) (1857-1936) - the wife of Prince Albert of Saxe-Altenburg (1843-1902)
Georg Alexander (Georgy) (1859-1909), Major-General (1902)
Maria Frederick (1861-1861)
Karl-Michael (Michael G.) (1863-1934), Lieutenant-General (1908), the Adjutant General (1915).
Children inherited the Mikhailovsky Palace (in 1895 sold to the Treasury), Oranienbaum and Stone Island.
Ekaterina M. engaged in charity work and was the patron of several institutions. She promoted and women's education in Russia, being the guardian of the different educational institutions.
Ekaterina M. Romanov, Grand Duchess

In Petersburg society Ekaterina M. holds a high position, had his court, was a strict lady, well knowing yourself and your rank price.
In light usually appear in old-fashioned dress with lots of lace. Upon his mother's death, in 1873, inherited the Mikhailovsky Palace, built in 1822 specifically for her father.
In June 1876 a widow: her husband died 50 years.
She dropped out tests related to children's issues, the biggest of which was the marriage of the eldest son of George, who carried away the maid of honor Natalia F. Vonlyarskoy. Granddaughter of the emperor with conservative views is hard to imagine that her daughter will take place girl not of royal blood. But the mother was forced to consent to the marriage.
Died April 30, 1894 "after a long and serious illness." Burial held on 4 May 1894 in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in the presence of the Highest; funeral service was led by Metropolitan of St. Petersburg Palladium (Paradises)
Her funeral was solemn. Behind the hearse walked the Emperor Alexander III

followed by his retinue and senior government dignitaries, representatives of foreign dynasties.
According to the will, it belonged to the Mikhailovsky Palace, as well as Stone Island and Oranienbaum became the property of his youngest son Michael and daughter Helen.
Georg, violate the rights of the family, getting their only usufruct rights without transfer children from morganatic marriage.
However, Catherine M. made a postscript to his will:
"Recognize God's blessing for my daughter ... thank Natalia for her fondness for my son of Duke George. Yes, the Lord will grant them happiness and prosperity."