Chinese wisdom says a woman ...
"A woman should do only one thing - to store energy.
Accumulation and preservation of energy - it is the mission of woman.
Husband coming home, crouches to this source of energy to replenish their energy reserves.

Tired wife he does not need "
"It's a misconception that a wife should work around the house.
Do not get the energy from his wife at home, the husband gets tired easily, and it is doing badly.
Working wife, whether even a simple homework, drains and saps the strength of her husband, even swept the floor can result in trouble in the affairs of her husband.

The wife should have only those classes that increase its power and that it is engaged in for pleasure.
The wife should not do a single thing in the house, not getting away with joy and pleasure.
She wants to paint - let draws, wants to embroider - let embroiders, wants to sing - let it sing.
But if he does not want to, let them do not.

She has only one true function - to be the energy source for the family "
"Woe to those husbands who accuse his wife:" You all day sat before the mirror, the best thing to do. "

The woman - a land that receives the seed.
And the land shall rest, to give birth to harvest, like the flowers that bloom in the spring, have a rest in winter.
And women to give birth and to conceive, must absorb the energy.
And what could be better for a woman than a mirror and admiring himself.
Nice and smart husband and the thin wife praise, and one that the cat purred, light up, and actually prettier starts so that the neighbors will envy "

"The woman - a hotbed of the house, and no fire is not it - the hearth?
A woman, too, do not worry about classes.
There is nothing in the world more valuable energy.
Her and for the money, it happens, you can not buy.
Therefore, and cast at the feet of women and the state, and the earth, and peace, and life itself "
From the ancient Chinese treatise.
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