= Lilith - the wife of Adam =

The woman was a mystery for many centuries. She is a mother and she is Death. She and the Virgin and the old woman, and the Goddess and the devil ... The ancient as the hills, history, a free woman passes from one of the lost ancient scroll to another, from mouth to mouth, transforming and mutating, but its essence remains the same ...
Lilith was Adam's first wife. In ancient apocryphal Bibles preserved mention of it, but in the canon of the story was not included. Eve was created as an external copy of Lilith, but obedient and good wife. Made from a rib, it was nothing like the Creation of fire Lilith, who was rebellious, headstrong, adventurous and freedom.

John Collier, Lilith (1892)
One day, when Adam utterly tired of her, she just left. But returns periodically and then she had babies ... And Eve said nothing, did not complain.
Lilith in modern Christian understanding - devil, demon devouring small children, which at night comes and seduces men. Blindingly beautiful, it represents the darkest men's dreams, the embodiment of temptation and desire. Why did she became the first wife of Adam's demon to kill children?
Over time, Christianity became more stringent, it is a patriarchal religion, in which a woman was created from the rib of God - Father, not Mother. The Great Mother is represented Virgin, does not have the power and the Bible was just a pious girl, at the very beginning.
Adoration of the woman as a Goddess, balancing his dark Dionysian force, as opposed to light Apollonian aggressive force Men abolish Christianity and Islam. A woman is considered something impure, mankind has forgotten how to worship Mother.

"Adam, Eve and Lilith," a miniature of the XV century
According to the Alphabet of Ben Sira, the first wife of Adam Lilith did not want to obey her husband, as he considers himself the same creation of Jehovah God, like Adam.
Saying the secret name of God Jehovah, Lilith rose into the air and flew away from Adam. Then Adam turned to Yahweh with a complaint against his wife fled. Yahweh sent after three angels, known as the Seine, and Sansenoy Samangelof. Three angels caught Lilith by the Red Sea, but she flatly refused to return to her husband.
After threatening to kill her, Lilith swore that she had been sent by God and that, although its "function" is infanticide, she will spare any child protected by an amulet or a plate with her name (optional - the names of the angels). Angels punished her. There are three versions of this punishment in the literature: one hundred of her babies will die every night; it is destined to give birth to children - the demons; or God will make her infertile.
In Jewish life and hairy winged Lilith is especially known as vreditelnitsa childbirth. It was believed that she not only brings damage to infants, but also kidnaps them, drinking the blood of newborns, sucking marrow from the bones and replace them. She is also credited with the corruption of women in childbirth and infertility women.
It legends that speak of Lilith as the assassin of newborns, explain the tradition of hanging the amulet with the names of angels near the cradle of the Jewish child. Amulets and charms for mothers against Lilith should include not only the names of the three angels who tried to return it, but some of the names of the Lilith: Batna (womb), Odem (redness) or amorphous (formless).
Also associated with this tradition tradition tying a red thread on his hand (usually the baby) - is that Lilith is afraid of red. Especially dangerous is the night before the circumcision of the baby - to protect the child from Lilith, his father has all night to read excerpts from the "Zohar" and other books of Kabbalah.

British Museum - The 'Queen of the Night'
It is believed that the name comes from the Sumerian Lilith "lil" (air, wind, spirit, ghost). Emel'yanov in the preface to the "Assyrian magic" Charles Fosse writes: "The young man and the girl-Lilitu - demons in the name of which lies a play on words from different languages. Sumerian lil means "air, the wind; spirit, ghost, "in Akkadian lila -" Night ". Hence, a mixture of ideas: the demons of this kind was considered haunted night.
Probably, they can be compared with the Slavic Zalozhnev the dead - that is, people who died an unnatural death and ahead of schedule. In any case, they are always different from Gadim - ordinary spirits of dead ancestors (although for the latter is characterized by unusual cases of death). It is possible that people have turned to the spirits lila, when life was unmarried and left no offspring. So it is possible to explain the propensity of male pastime enter into relationship with earthly women (and these ties have born or ugly, or the same demons). "
There are several Sumerian legends about Lilith. Primarily, this nameless legend, resulting in an article by Charles Moffett. It Lilith - patron goddess of his people. Nevertheless, it is clear and dark essence. So, Lilith tears bestow life, but her kisses bring death.
The legend explains the origin of two lions in the traditional iconography of the Sumerian Lilith. It also assumes that the name of ki-sikil-lil-la-ke in the prologue of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh version is referred to Lilith.
In Kabbalah, Lilith - devil, is a dream unmarried young men and seduce them.

Adam, Eve, and the (female) serpent at the entrance to Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
According to Bacharach, 'Emeq haMelekh, between Lilith and Samael is blind dragon. Dragon neutered "to egg viper (echidna) not hatched in the world." Those who hatches from such eggs are called Lilin. They are covered with hair entirely, except only the head.
In the Middle Ages legend has changed: Lilith was no longer the snake, and the spirit of the night. Sometimes it appears as an angel in charge of the birth of people, sometimes - demon vexing sleeping alone or lonely wandering along the road. In the popular imagination, it appears in the form of high-silent woman with long black hair loose.
Lilith in modern demonology - not only goddess that eats children. As a friend of Satan (or Samael), it corresponds to a greater or lesser extent all devils, all the Black Goddess. In this case, it is identified with Kali and Uma Parvati, Hecate, Hel and Ereshkigal, though some traditions are clearly shared by the Dark Goddess.
Often, as we are talking about the older and younger Lilith, for example, in the "Luciferian Witchcraft" by Michael Ford. In this sense, in the name of Lilith hidden meaning - Dark Mother, Black femininity. In any case, the original meaning is preserved - Black Goddess, who destroy embryos Light.
Due to the great interest in Kabbalah in Renaissance Europe the legend of Lilith as Adam's first wife became known in the literature, where it has found form of a beautiful, seductive woman. Such a representation of Lilith appears in medieval Jewish literature, although the Jewish tradition beautiful appearance of Lilith is associated with its ability to change its appearance.
Legend of it inspired by the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) to write the poem "Paradise abode" in which Lilith snake was the first wife of Adam and Eve, God created then. To avenge Eve, Lilith persuaded her to taste the forbidden fruit, and conceive of Cain, Abel's brother and murderer.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Lady Lilith, (1867)
Lilith is repeatedly and variously beaten in world literature.
Thus, Goethe Faust sees beauty and receives a warning that it is the first wife of Adam, and that her hair should be wary of:
... Beware of her hair:
She's not a teenager
Ruined etoyu haircut.
In Anatole France in "The Daughter of Lilith" Lilith - the mother of a woman to seduce the hero. In the story of Lilith knows good and evil, suffering and death:
"Above it does not tend suffering and death, it has no soul, the salvation of which she had to take care of her unknown neither good nor evil."
In the "Rose of the World" Daniil Andreev Lilith - one of the great elementals, vayatelnitsa flesh people daemons, and rarrugov igvas, "popular Aphrodite" of all mankind. Also, with the image of Lilith Andreev bound demon Voglea image.
The Russian writer Fyodor Sologub symbolist in the book "Fiery Circle" is not a gloomy image, and a piece of moonlight. Image of the heroine of the story "Krasnogubaya guest" also inspired by Lilith.
Romantic coloring Lilith was in the poem Avetik Isahakyan "Lilith", where beautiful, unearthly, made of fire Lilith opposed everyday Eve.
Romantic opposition Lilith and Eve, as the two sides, the two faces of a woman is Nikolai Gumilev's poem "Eve and Lilith"
Contrasting Lilith earthly woman has a poem by Marina Tsvetaeva "Owl's Well That Ends Well."

Hugo van der Goes - The Fall (1476-1477 g)
Rethinking the motives of the myth of Lilith are in the fantastic story of Lydia Obukhov "Lilith" (1966).
In 1930, Vladimir Nabokov wrote a poem called "Lilith" (published in 1970), which describes the seductive young girl, seductive hero (the first sketch of the plot, and later treated in the story "The Wizard" and the novel "Lolita." Consonance name Lilith-Lolita not by chance.
Impregnated dark eroticism image vampire Lilith in its own Whitley Strieber describes in the novel "The Dream of Lilith", which has become an extension of the novels "Hunger" and "The Last Vampire", the foundation of the cult film "Hunger" (1983), shot by director Tony Scott, David Bowie Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve in the lead roles.
Milorad Pavic, the famous Serbian writer, wrote the book "A bed for three", which is painted the whole story that happened between Adam, Eve and Lilith in the past.
As if there was not really, but Lilith - one of the most prominent incarnations dark incarnation of Women, the eternal feminine. This vampire appearing in the moonlight, lures sweet words, and this is one of the sides of each woman. In each of the women's lives, and Lilith, and obedient, kind Eve ...
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