The most-horse
I propose to pay tribute to the owner of this year and see what "most-most" horse known history.

The most famous horse - horse Bolivar fictional story of the American writer O. Henry (William Sydney Porter alias, 1862-1910) "The way we choose? (?Roads We Take?, 1910).
Known mostly for the fact that "the two can not stand."
Bolivar - nicknamed horse that could save two friends, but one of them, named Dodson, nicknamed Shark, threw another and saved himself.
In his defense, he said: "I'm sorry, Bill, what's your Bay broke her leg, but Bolivar could not bear two! ..".
Later, when Dodson became a major employer, these words became his motto, which he was guided in its relations with its business partners.
Allegorically: either you or I; must win one person.
Appearance of the horse in the story is not described, we only know that it is old.
About the phrase 'Henry became airborne as Pegasus. There were even jokes, where the main character - a horse Bolivar:
- Bolivar could not bear two ... - Bolivar could not bear even one! This I say to you, Bolivar!

The most courageous horse - Bucephalus - horse of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC).
In Greek his nickname means "bychegolovy."
According to the Greek historian Plutarch ("Comparative biography"), only a great military leader Alexander the Great could tame his horse.
Macedonian King Philip II bought a horse for his son Alexander, but the horse turned out to be a wild temper and travel around it no one could.
Alexander (he was 12 years old) realized that Bucephalus is afraid of shadows, and turned his horse snout to the sun.
After that, the horse allowed to sit on themselves and from that time, only Alexander could ride it.

The smallest horse - Humpbacked Horse "growth only three inches on the back with two humps but with a yardstick ears."
Most likely, it was a pony, endured a back injury, or camel-eared nedorostok.

The most otherworldly mythical horse - Sivka Burke.
Sivka-burka, broadcasting kaurka - canon character-assistant in the Russian folk fairy tales
The Slavs (as, indeed, and many other nations) the horse was considered a guide in the realm of the dead, so was the main sacrificial animal at the funeral.
Sivka-burka - a generic horse, magical power which is based on the fact that he inhabitant of the kingdom of the dead.
He appears as it should be essentially from the afterlife - in the smoke and flames:
"The horse is running, the earth trembles, ears pillar of smoke belching from the nostrils flames bursting."

Most wild horse - Przewalski horse.
Back in 1879 NMPrzhevalsky discovered in northwest China, almost on the border of Mongolia, wild horses, which were named after him.
As you know, Nikolai Mikhailovich Przewalski went to Tibet for the truth and found the horse.
In addition to strength, the animals are characterized by exceptional intelligence and high socialization.
In periods of severe frost, when the paste was still impossible, adult horses became tightly around the foals and debilitated individuals and warmed them with his breath.
On hot days, they turned the other way round snouts out of the circle and actively waving their tails.
It is not known whether they help to cool it, but to deal with insects so obviously more convenient.
By the way, Przewalski, a prominent Russian researcher Asia, it never went. Painfully wild.

Most thankless horse - horse Prophetic Oleg.
His skull was the jack "coffin snake" that is, viper, ie steppe viper.
In the same "song" has no name horse, but in the legend of Varyag Odda, with which is associated legend of Prince Oleg, a horse named Fax - "mane".

The most vile horse - Trojan horse, now known mainly due to computer viruses.
But the principle (shove something bad into something good) was described by Homer in the "Iliad."
Trojan horse - a huge wooden horse built by the Achaeans on the advice of Odysseus in the tenth year of the Trojan War. Inside built Epeem horse hid a few characters, and Achaean army, lost ships, sailed to the island Tendos. The Trojans have decided that the siege of Troy to be charged, and believed the word spy Sinon that the Trojan horse by the Achaeans to appease Athena, and that will make owning a horse of Troy impregnable, moved his horse into the city, destroying the part of the fortress wall. In vain priest Laoco?n urged the Trojans that this should not be done. At night, from the womb of horse warriors Achaeans came and opened the gates of the city who had returned under cover of darkness army. Troy was taken and destroyed.

Layers AA - "Strider". Leo Tolstoy. 1952-1954
Most unfortunate horse - Strider from the story "Story of a Horse" by Leo Tolstoy.
According to the degree of frustration destiny with him can argue that unless the mare Vronsky Frou-Frou.
No, it is not hit by a train in the novel of the same Count Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina."
Its right on the racetrack shot Vronsky. Also count, among other things.

The strangest horse - gelding D'Artagnan, which he first rode into Paris.
"The horse is indeed bright yellow - said about her Rochefort.
- This color is very common in the plant world, is still rarely observed in horses. "
The most communist horse - lomovik Fighter of "Animal Farm" by George Orwell.
All the time was trying to "work harder", for which he was eventually SVEZA to the knacker's yard.

The most titled horse - Intsitatus (Footed) - horse, who became a senator.
Intsitatus - horse Roman emperor Caligula Gaius Caesar.
"He whom Caligula doted"
Caligula lived between 12 BC to 41 BC, and was a Roman emperor.
He gave his horse stables Intsitatusu of marble, where the manger (nursery) was made of ivory. The real miracle! There was also a bowl of pure gold, which pours wine - served her horse.
On the eve of the races on the racetrack or in the circus games in the streets of Rome sent hundreds of soldiers, that they brought to the attention of the Romans order to keep quiet until the morning to Intsitatus could sleep. I must say that in those days the traffic in Rome was so intense that the carts with groceries were forbidden to appear there in the afternoon in order to avoid "traffic jams", so they scurried through the streets of the Eternal City at night, making a terrible noise. And for the sake of the horse Romans left without food!
Purple harness, adorned with precious stones, and pearl necklace worn by Intsitatus were only a small part of his personal treasures. His boss gave him a palace, laden with expensive furniture, where many slaves were busy. He wanted to noblemen came to his horse in the guests ate and drank at his desk and invited his horse in their homes. But this has fallen into madness emperor was not enough! Caligula decided that the Senate shall appoint his horse a consul. This was too much! Hereas, tribunes of the Praetorian Guard, put an end to this madness, plunging a dagger into the chest of the emperor.

"Horse century" - Eclipse.
That history has preserved his name under the title of "Horse century."
He played on the turf twenty-three years and has never been defeated, for which he received the title of "horse-century." Until now, the races in Derby most swift-footed racers Eclipse award prizes.
The horse got its name because it was born on the day of Eclipse - a solar eclipse - April 1, 1764 Exterior stallion was extremely strange: high back, shoulders, heavy and long, and when ridden, so then dragged face to the earth, that the jockeys often He dumped. Because of these physiological characteristics to sit on it during the races could not every jockey. And to be precise - the only one. That man was John Oakley.
Eclipse went on to become the founder of the most common and the leading breeds of horses - English Thoroughbred.
Now, almost all of the best horses of the world its roots back to the Eclipse
However, on the Eclipse has a ?inis. This - the only horse that had won at the races more wins than Eclipse. For the first time won in 1876 then 4 years in a row thoroughbred mare won all the races in a row.
Eclipse died of colic at age 24. Here then was discovered the secret of his invincibility: the horse century was phenomenal heart - 6 kg 300 g (average heart good racehorse weighs about 5 kg)!
Still at Eclipse were huge lungs.
Today, every visitor can contemplate Nyumarketskogo Racecourse right at the entrance bronze monument Eclipse cast in honor of the 200th anniversary of the death of the horse.

Most lean horse - Rocinante.
"Then Don Quixote examined his horse - says Cervantes.
- He was limping on all four legs and contain only skin and bones. "
By the way, "Rosin" in Spanish is "nag".

I propose to pay tribute to the owner of this year and see what "most-most" horse known history.

The most famous horse - horse Bolivar fictional story of the American writer O. Henry (William Sydney Porter alias, 1862-1910) "The way we choose? (?Roads We Take?, 1910).
Known mostly for the fact that "the two can not stand."
Bolivar - nicknamed horse that could save two friends, but one of them, named Dodson, nicknamed Shark, threw another and saved himself.
In his defense, he said: "I'm sorry, Bill, what's your Bay broke her leg, but Bolivar could not bear two! ..".
Later, when Dodson became a major employer, these words became his motto, which he was guided in its relations with its business partners.
Allegorically: either you or I; must win one person.
Appearance of the horse in the story is not described, we only know that it is old.
About the phrase 'Henry became airborne as Pegasus. There were even jokes, where the main character - a horse Bolivar:
- Bolivar could not bear two ... - Bolivar could not bear even one! This I say to you, Bolivar!

The most courageous horse - Bucephalus - horse of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC).
In Greek his nickname means "bychegolovy."
According to the Greek historian Plutarch ("Comparative biography"), only a great military leader Alexander the Great could tame his horse.
Macedonian King Philip II bought a horse for his son Alexander, but the horse turned out to be a wild temper and travel around it no one could.
Alexander (he was 12 years old) realized that Bucephalus is afraid of shadows, and turned his horse snout to the sun.
After that, the horse allowed to sit on themselves and from that time, only Alexander could ride it.

The smallest horse - Humpbacked Horse "growth only three inches on the back with two humps but with a yardstick ears."
Most likely, it was a pony, endured a back injury, or camel-eared nedorostok.

The most otherworldly mythical horse - Sivka Burke.
Sivka-burka, broadcasting kaurka - canon character-assistant in the Russian folk fairy tales
The Slavs (as, indeed, and many other nations) the horse was considered a guide in the realm of the dead, so was the main sacrificial animal at the funeral.
Sivka-burka - a generic horse, magical power which is based on the fact that he inhabitant of the kingdom of the dead.
He appears as it should be essentially from the afterlife - in the smoke and flames:
"The horse is running, the earth trembles, ears pillar of smoke belching from the nostrils flames bursting."

Most wild horse - Przewalski horse.
Back in 1879 NMPrzhevalsky discovered in northwest China, almost on the border of Mongolia, wild horses, which were named after him.
As you know, Nikolai Mikhailovich Przewalski went to Tibet for the truth and found the horse.
In addition to strength, the animals are characterized by exceptional intelligence and high socialization.
In periods of severe frost, when the paste was still impossible, adult horses became tightly around the foals and debilitated individuals and warmed them with his breath.
On hot days, they turned the other way round snouts out of the circle and actively waving their tails.
It is not known whether they help to cool it, but to deal with insects so obviously more convenient.
By the way, Przewalski, a prominent Russian researcher Asia, it never went. Painfully wild.

Most thankless horse - horse Prophetic Oleg.
His skull was the jack "coffin snake" that is, viper, ie steppe viper.
In the same "song" has no name horse, but in the legend of Varyag Odda, with which is associated legend of Prince Oleg, a horse named Fax - "mane".

The most vile horse - Trojan horse, now known mainly due to computer viruses.
But the principle (shove something bad into something good) was described by Homer in the "Iliad."
Trojan horse - a huge wooden horse built by the Achaeans on the advice of Odysseus in the tenth year of the Trojan War. Inside built Epeem horse hid a few characters, and Achaean army, lost ships, sailed to the island Tendos. The Trojans have decided that the siege of Troy to be charged, and believed the word spy Sinon that the Trojan horse by the Achaeans to appease Athena, and that will make owning a horse of Troy impregnable, moved his horse into the city, destroying the part of the fortress wall. In vain priest Laoco?n urged the Trojans that this should not be done. At night, from the womb of horse warriors Achaeans came and opened the gates of the city who had returned under cover of darkness army. Troy was taken and destroyed.

Layers AA - "Strider". Leo Tolstoy. 1952-1954
Most unfortunate horse - Strider from the story "Story of a Horse" by Leo Tolstoy.
According to the degree of frustration destiny with him can argue that unless the mare Vronsky Frou-Frou.
No, it is not hit by a train in the novel of the same Count Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina."
Its right on the racetrack shot Vronsky. Also count, among other things.

The strangest horse - gelding D'Artagnan, which he first rode into Paris.
"The horse is indeed bright yellow - said about her Rochefort.
- This color is very common in the plant world, is still rarely observed in horses. "
The most communist horse - lomovik Fighter of "Animal Farm" by George Orwell.
All the time was trying to "work harder", for which he was eventually SVEZA to the knacker's yard.

The most titled horse - Intsitatus (Footed) - horse, who became a senator.
Intsitatus - horse Roman emperor Caligula Gaius Caesar.
"He whom Caligula doted"
Caligula lived between 12 BC to 41 BC, and was a Roman emperor.
He gave his horse stables Intsitatusu of marble, where the manger (nursery) was made of ivory. The real miracle! There was also a bowl of pure gold, which pours wine - served her horse.
On the eve of the races on the racetrack or in the circus games in the streets of Rome sent hundreds of soldiers, that they brought to the attention of the Romans order to keep quiet until the morning to Intsitatus could sleep. I must say that in those days the traffic in Rome was so intense that the carts with groceries were forbidden to appear there in the afternoon in order to avoid "traffic jams", so they scurried through the streets of the Eternal City at night, making a terrible noise. And for the sake of the horse Romans left without food!
Purple harness, adorned with precious stones, and pearl necklace worn by Intsitatus were only a small part of his personal treasures. His boss gave him a palace, laden with expensive furniture, where many slaves were busy. He wanted to noblemen came to his horse in the guests ate and drank at his desk and invited his horse in their homes. But this has fallen into madness emperor was not enough! Caligula decided that the Senate shall appoint his horse a consul. This was too much! Hereas, tribunes of the Praetorian Guard, put an end to this madness, plunging a dagger into the chest of the emperor.

"Horse century" - Eclipse.
That history has preserved his name under the title of "Horse century."
He played on the turf twenty-three years and has never been defeated, for which he received the title of "horse-century." Until now, the races in Derby most swift-footed racers Eclipse award prizes.
The horse got its name because it was born on the day of Eclipse - a solar eclipse - April 1, 1764 Exterior stallion was extremely strange: high back, shoulders, heavy and long, and when ridden, so then dragged face to the earth, that the jockeys often He dumped. Because of these physiological characteristics to sit on it during the races could not every jockey. And to be precise - the only one. That man was John Oakley.
Eclipse went on to become the founder of the most common and the leading breeds of horses - English Thoroughbred.
Now, almost all of the best horses of the world its roots back to the Eclipse
However, on the Eclipse has a ?inis. This - the only horse that had won at the races more wins than Eclipse. For the first time won in 1876 then 4 years in a row thoroughbred mare won all the races in a row.
Eclipse died of colic at age 24. Here then was discovered the secret of his invincibility: the horse century was phenomenal heart - 6 kg 300 g (average heart good racehorse weighs about 5 kg)!
Still at Eclipse were huge lungs.
Today, every visitor can contemplate Nyumarketskogo Racecourse right at the entrance bronze monument Eclipse cast in honor of the 200th anniversary of the death of the horse.

Most lean horse - Rocinante.
"Then Don Quixote examined his horse - says Cervantes.
- He was limping on all four legs and contain only skin and bones. "
By the way, "Rosin" in Spanish is "nag".

Most horse name - of course, from the same Ovsov Chekhov story.
In general, "we are all a little horse," as Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky.
Music: Horses (P. Leshchenko)
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